Discretionary Fund

The Discretionary Fund offers funds specifically designated for use in alleviating basic needs of people in our community. The source of funds for clergy discretionary funds do not come from the regular annual budget but are provided for by canon (rules of the church by which we govern our common lives) in a different way. Those funds come instead from an old church tradition that designates the ‘loose offering’ on the first Sunday of the month as alms and offerings for the sake of the poor. Those funds are set aside to be distributed by the clergy at their discretion. Discretionary funds may also come from offerings made to the clergy at weddings and burials. Occasionally, parishioners will make a monetary offering and designate that it be given to the discretionary fund.

For those who might be interested in such things, the canon directing this practice is Canon 9 of Title III (section 6, b-6) of the national canons of the Church which has a very noble heritage. The canon reads: “the Alms and Contributions, not otherwise specifically designated, at the Administration of the Holy Communion on one Sunday in each calendar month, and other offerings for the poor, shall be deposited with the Member of the Clergy in charge of the Congregation or with such Church officer as the Rector or Priest-in-Charge shall appoint to be applied to such pious and charitable uses as the Rector or Priest-in-Charge shall determine. When a Parish is without a Rector or Priest-in-Charge, the Vestry shall designate a member of the Parish to fulfill this function.”